Our Story
Since 1949, Camp Highroad has been a place set apart. Built with the intention of fostering a love for the outdoors in children, Highroad has been teaching young people about a wonderful Creator in the midst of His creation for over 70 years.
Our site had humble beginnings, encompassing about 55 acres with a swimming pool, dining hall and several rustic wooden cabins. We borrowed horses from a neighboring farm to show campers how to ride, and many nights were spent around a campfire cooking s’mores and singing camp songs.
Today, Highroad boasts 620 acres along with its own horse paddock, a high ropes course, a canoe pond, two archery ranges, a rockwall, five miles of hiking trails, 16 cabins, two lodges, campsites galore, and much more. However, the heart of our mission today is largely the same as it was all those years ago: we strive to create a place where scouts, school groups, and summer campers alike can enjoy a welcoming, safe and caring environment. We go about this by sharing Christ’s love with our guests, by reaching out to our community, by protecting our environment, and by working as if “working for the Lord” (Col. 3:23-24) in all that we do.
If you stop by Highroad on any given day, you can find children and adults gathering around fire pits for quality conversation, engaging in riveting environmental education programming, conquering their fears on our 800ft zipline, working together through a team challenge course, or sprawling out under the stars on a camping trip. You’ll also find our staff joyfully leading activities for a variety of different guests, diligently cleaning facilities or fixing our fleet of camp-owned vehicles, vision-casting about the future of our programming, or shooting the breeze on the office porch after hours.
Though our operations slowed down in 2020 with the presence of the global COVID-19 pandemic, our doors are enthusiastically open year round to retreat groups, school field trips, and our summer camp program. As a full-time staff of 8 people, we are honored to be part of growing this camp and its service to our community. We’re thankful for God’s provision in tough economic times, for the support of our seasonal staff who give selflessly each year, and for the many volunteers and donors who fix, clean and build when the job becomes too big or the budget too small! Thanks to all of you who continue to support our mission and ministry!

One thing we have found out at Camp Highroad is that we can’t do it alone. We are in constant need of donations:
• To assist campers who cannot afford to come to camp,
• To help upgrade our facilities to bring them into the modern day,
• And to provide new and challenging activities for our campers.
The list of improvements is ever revolving based upon the current need. If you feel led to partner with us and invest in the camp’s future, be it $100 or $100,000, we would love to hear from you. Simply click on the ‘Donate’ link for an upfront donation. We thank you for your support – it goes a long way!